Farwell to a Fallen Warrior
It is with a heavy heart and with the deepest sadness that I must share with the Lone Warrior Family and Community morns the loss of second recipient Dan Hoard. Dan’s passing has been very challenging for me to process personally being. that he was our second recipient and he had initially shown some signs of response to treatment.
The emotional connection ran even deeper between us since we both were at Mayo for treatment battling for our lives and are both single fathers who cared greatly for our children. Dan chose to pass at home with his two sons by his side. He is survived by his two sons Daniel 17 and Davis 12. He will be greatly missed by the Lone Warrior Foundation Family.
In his honor, we have established The Dan Hoard Memorial fund for those who wish to donate which will go directly to the care for the boys.
Our prayers go out to the Hoard family for their grieving and healing journey to be expeditious and with the Lord our Gods’ support and guidance.
Dan Hoard
Memorial Fund
Established to memorialize and recognize an individual who lost their battle with Cancer. This can be started through an organization, a group, or family.
Each fund can be designated a Fund Administrator who would decide how the funds are distributed annually to either the Lifestyle Assistance Fund or a specific Fundraising Event.